How To Create The Best Etsy Banner Size and Shop Setup

Etsy Banner Size

Before we jump into the fun stuff, let’s get three simple things that every Etsy store owner needs to know:

What is the Banner Measurement?

  • Your Classic Etsy Banner size is 760 pixels by 100 pixels in size.

How About The Etsy Cover Photo?

  • The size of your Etsy cover photo is 3360 x 840 pixels and its minimum size is 1200 x 300 pixels.

What about the size of my Etsy Shop Icon?

  • The size of the shop icon is 500 x 500 pixels.

Starting with the latest Etsy update (launched a couple of months ago), you have all you need to put this philosophy into practice: a new, larger banner, a new look for the entire storefront and new ways of displaying listings. Which brings us to the ultimate question… how do you make your shop stand out AND look good?

Read this blog article for a few suggestions…

The New Etsy Cover Photo


Start with the largest visual! You can now choose to stick with the old, small banner (but keep in mind it won’t appear on mobile devices), go for a cover photo (lots of branding real estate there) or opt for no banner or cover photo at all (doing this will bring greater focus on your listings).


What to do, what to do?

Well, if you do want to make your Etsy shop look good, you should definitely scrap the banner option and go for the cover photo! The fact that they are larger and are displayed at the very top of your shop’s homepage, compared to the banner option, makes them prime material for branding purposes. As per Etsy, the ideal size for your cover photo is 3360 x 840 pixels and its minimal size is 1200 x 300 pixels.

If you don’t know where to start from, here are couple of cover photo ideas: use a professional product shot that you already have and is representative of your brand or create an entirely new image. Does this last option feel daunting? It shouldn’t! Etsy has partnered with Canva (an online graphic design software) to help you come up with a new design all by yourself. There are lots of easily customizable templates to choose from, so it’s easy to make a kick-ass cover photo even if you’re not a designer.

The Classic Banner Sizing

If you decide to forgo the cover photo and stick with the classic banner format (keep in mind, the banner won’t show up on mobile devices – boo!), this is what you need to know: the Etsy banner will the centered at the top of your shop’s homepage and it will need to be precisely 760 pixels by 100 pixels in size. A well-designed and correctly sized banner can look great.

The Etsy Shop Icon


And now for what is arguably the most important branding element: your Etsy shop logo. As you may already now, this is the image that represents your shop all across Etsy. So it’s super important to get it right. Gasp! Alright, Don’t panic, just yet. :) Think of it this way: it should be an image that is significant for your brand, shop and products, is distinguishable AND looks good in any size. The size of the Etsy shop icon is 500 x 500 pixels. It will appear at full size on the shop’s homepage and in smaller sizes everywhere else. If you don’t already have a suitable icon, the easiest way to create it online is, again, by using Canva.

Bringing It All Together

The Etsy shop icon and the cover photo should compliment each other and play their part in making your store unique, cool-looking and memorable – shoppers will return if you make it easy for them to remember you! Before you start working on your shop’s graphics, take a few moments to think about your brand:

  • What is the name of your brand? Do you already have a logo? Will you integrate it in your shop icon, in your cover photo or in both?

  • What are the attributes you would use to describe your brand? Words like fun, functional, classic, elegant or whimsical can already point you in a very specific direction.

  • What are the colors that best illustrate your brand? Tell your story without using words by picking a color palette that is in line with your overall aesthetic and attitude of your shop. Just don’t go too wild: two or three hues are generally enough to create cohesive branding.

Finally: after you’re done working on all the visuals, take a break and let them “marinate” for a day or two. Don’t peek! After the time has passed, open them again and make a quick list check against all the pointers above to see if what you have does indeed represent your brand in an authentic way. If not, back to the drawing board! Rinse, repeat and don’t be afraid to take your time. Proper branding is ageless and, if done right, it will elevate your shop and truly set it up for success.

Your turn:

What are YOUR tips on making your Etsy shop look good?

Top image via Pixabay