50 Ways To Get Out Of A Creative Rut

Let’s face it: as an artist, you’re bound to hit creative roadblocks along the way. However, freaking out or pushing yourself to work straight through them is not likely to solve the problem – it’ll only leave you frustrated, disappointed and even more stressed out.

So, next time you’re facing a creative rut, embrace it! See it as a cue to relax, cut loose and completely immerse yourself in unrelated activities. Chances are, they’ll spark your creativity in ways you didn’t even think possible.

Without further ado, here are 50 simple ways to get out of a creative rut:

  1. Call an old friend and go for a coffee.photographer-407068_1920

  2. Visit your favorite museum.

  3. Clean up or re-arrange your workspace.

  4. Make a physical inspiration board and hang it somewhere you can see it.

  5. Browse through some modern artworks.

  6. Buy a cool new accessory.

  7. Pour your every thought into a journal. Leave it there.

  8. Spend the day as a tourist in your own town.

  9. Gather a bunch of friends and go for a picnic.

  10. Go for a long bike ride and push yourself as much as you can.

  11. Take a nap.

  12. Cook something delicious or experiment with a new recipe.

  13. Go to a yoga or pilates session. Alternatively, just do some stretching at home by yourself.

  14. Buy a bunch of flowers and give them to a stranger.

  15. Hop in the car and go on a day-long trip in a nearby city.painting-911804_1920

  16. Go to karaoke night.

  17. Pick up the phone and call someone you haven’t talked to in a long while.

  18. Get crafty with a few magazines and make some cooky collages. Hang them on the wall.

  19. Visit a flea market or a vintage shop – who knows what treasure you’ll come home with?

  20. Take your camera (or just your phone!) and pretend you’re a street-style photographer for a day. There are interesting people at every corner.

  21. Re-read your favorite book.

  22. Or get lost in the aisles of your favorite bookstore in search of a new one.

  23. Listen to a podcast. There are lots of inspiring ones out there!

  24. Create a secret Pinterest board and fill it with images you love.

  25. Engage in a photography challenge and post every image on your Instagram account.

  26. Dance around the house all by yourself.

  27. Go to a movie – alone or with your favorite person.

  28. Engage in a DIY project around the house. Maybe that old cupboard could use a fresh coat of paint? :)

  29. Go through your clothes and jewelry and sort out what you don’t need anymore. Give it away to someone in need.

  30. Spruce up your business website. (Or set one up!)flowers-799000_1920

  31. Reply to all the comments on your Facebook page or Instagram. Try striking up new conversations and see what inspires other people.

  32. Curl up in a corner with your favorite magazine and a cup of tea. Get lost in its pages for hours.

  33. Go on a hike.

  34. Do some (light) online shopping.

  35. Download an app that’ll help you achieve a personal goal by tracking your progress.

  36. Go to the park for a few hours. Sit on a bench, listen to the birds chirping and soak up the greenness of the trees. No headphones!

  37. Get a new house plant and place it somewhere you’ll see it from your usual work place.

  38. Clean up your “desktop” or your “downloads” folders – you’ll feel much lighter afterwards.

  39. Meditate.

  40. Think about innovative ways to push your business forward. Do some research and start implementing what you’ve learned.

  41. Grab a coloring book for adults and a fresh box of crayons. Go to town.

  42. Catch up with your favorite blogs.

  43. Sign up for a free course and stick to it.

  44. Host a dinner party and enjoy the company of your favorite people.wanderer-455338_1920

  45. Talk to a kid for a few minutes – they can have the funniest, yet deepest thoughts. Enjoy!

  46. Make a playlist of your favorite tracks and listen to it on repeat. Sign along if you feel like it.

  47. Go shopping for new stationary.

  48. Organize a yard sale.

  49. Try a new type of workout: ballet-inspired, zumba, swimming, or even horseback riding.

  50. Create an account on an app that you’ve never heard of before – check out the popular section of the store to see what’s hot.

or… just take the day off, stay in bed and watch a movie. Snacks are optional! :)

That’s it! Which activity on this list most tickles your fancy?

Share in the comments below!

Images via Pixabay,